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The Money Mindset Exercise
Get ready for a fun, creative exercise to help you connect to your money mindset and work towards your future goals! We developed this activity for our first Financial Wellness workshop and loved it so much, we brought it into our private client practice, and are now offering it to you here on our website.

Navigate the Cycle of Change for Health and Wealth
Change is hard! Let’s take a deeper look through the lens of the “Cycle of Change,” which helps identify where we are in the process, what we need, and how to take the next steps. Stay on track with health and wealth goals through a combination of awareness, self-support, and intention.

Express Your Gratitude
We want to focus on a positive aspect of your feelings and self-expression—gratitude. Learn about how gratitude can impact your wellbeing, ways you can bring it into your life, how design helps, and discover a bonus design tool to quickly practice and share your gratitude just in time for Thanksgiving…

Section Review — Pull the Receipts
You've probably heard that keeping a budget is important, but have you ever wondered why? It's not just about keeping track of your spending—it's about knowing where your money is going and how to ensure it stays where it should be…

Section Review — Know Thyself
As you develop knowledge around the psychology of money, we invite you to explore your unique cultural identity, strengthen your self-worth, and build goals for your future to connect your intentions to your financial actions. What's your money mindset?

Sharing With Gratitude
We’re stoked to share this sneak peek of Financial Wellness set to our new fave jam. Before we dance, the authors would like to make a couple of special acknowledgments…
The authors and co-hosts of Nourish Your Worth are the founders of CoLearning Books and the owners and officers of Twenty Concierge Wealth Management (“Twenty”), an investment adviser licensed by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation. None of the information discussed on the podcasts or written in the books or blogs should be relied upon as investment or tax advice.